Hello Beautiful Souls,

I'm Mirjam, born in 05.03.1991, in Tallinn, Estonia. I started studying astrology in the beginning of 2018, when transit Neptune conjuncted with my natal Sun & Mercury.

During that time I was very confused about my life and generally about everything. What type of job I want to do? What is the meaning of my life? What life direction should I follow? Why certain themes and pattern always come up in my life, and why am I experiencing life with such an intense emotions?

Neptune transit was a catalyst for my self-discovery, where I went down the rabbit hole and started to explore astrology more deeply. The more I explored my own chart, the more I started to understand why I am the way I am. It opened up completely new world, how different planetary cycles can carry their influences into our individual and collective lives. Immediately I grew a great interest to explore other people's birth charts, because it opened up a deeper understanding of the people around me, and about myself. 

About my early life, interests, and astrological education.

Since an early age I have been fascinated by occult sciences, like: palmistry, tarot cards, mysticism, astrology and supernatural. I got my first tarot deck for my thirteenth birthday and my first pendulum around nineteen. But, I never felt so strong pull towards any other subject, then I felt with the Astrology. Astrology awakened something inside me and it was deep recognition that somewhere in another existence or time, I have been practiced astrology  before. 
As an youngster, I often asked others what's their zodiac sign? I noticed that I had very strong bond with people, who were born during particular signs. Actually I often didn't show out my interests of mystical arts, since it was theme that many of us didn't quite understand it. 
I have always been drawn to night sky, and in my alone times I often found myself wondering about stars and imaginary worlds. It represented something mystical, yet something familiar. From early age, I knew that we all share connection with the cosmical energy and what happens above, affects us here below.
I have International diplomas in Astrological studies and I'm qualified as an internationally professional astrologer. All my studies I have completed with the highest achievement- with the Distinction. I'm a member of The Association of Astrologers of Estonia and The Association of Professional Astrologers International(MAPAI). Certainly my astrological studies will not end here, as it is lifelong self-development and study.

- Pisces ☼ scorpio ☾ capricorn ↑